Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar that often trips up even the most experienced writers. It refers to the correct matching of the subject and verb in a sentence, ensuring that they agree in number, person, and tense. In this article, we will provide you with multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on subject-verb agreement to help you test your knowledge.

1. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

The group of students (is/are) preparing for the exams.

Answer: The correct answer is `are`. `Group of students` is a plural subject, and therefore, it requires a plural verb.

2. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

Each of the boys (has/have) finished his homework.

Answer: The correct answer is `has`. `Each` is a singular pronoun and requires a singular verb.

3. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

The book, as well as the pen, (is/are) on the table.

Answer: The correct answer is `is`. `The book` is the subject, and it is singular. Therefore, the verb should also be singular.

4. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

The committee (has/have) submitted its report.

Answer: The correct answer is `has`. `Committee` is a singular noun and requires a singular verb.

5. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

My sister, along with her friends, (enjoy/enjoys) hiking.

Answer: The correct answer is `enjoys`. `My sister` is the subject, and it is singular. `Along with her friends` is a prepositional phrase and does not affect the subject-verb agreement.

6. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

Either the students or the teacher (is/are) responsible for the mistake.

Answer: The correct answer is `is`. `Either` is a singular pronoun and requires a singular verb.

7. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

The number of tourists visiting the city (has/have) decreased over the years.

Answer: The correct answer is `has`. `The number of tourists` is a singular subject and requires a singular verb.

8. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

All the books in the library (needs/need) to be cataloged.

Answer: The correct answer is `need`. `All the books` is a plural subject and requires a plural verb.

9. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

My friend and mentor (is/are) coming to visit me today.

Answer: The correct answer is `is`. `My friend and mentor` are two different titles but refer to the same person. Therefore, it is a singular subject and requires a singular verb.

10. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

Neither the cat nor the dog (likes/like) to eat vegetables.

Answer: The correct answer is `likes`. `Neither` is a singular pronoun and requires a singular verb.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar rule that ensures clear and effective communication in written and spoken language. These MCQs on subject-verb agreement will help you test your knowledge and identify any areas that require improvement. By practicing and mastering this rule, you can improve your writing skills and create error-free content.